Introducing the Service Automation Framework

Service Automation is the concept of achieving customer loyalty by using automated technologies (think Uber, Amazon and Netflix).  It builds upon a large demographic and sociological trend.  As a society, we have become accustomed to arranging our lives online and expect services that can match those expectations. Service Automation helps businesses to evolve by becoming automated and moving slow and outdated processes online.

This session will give you a deep insight into the concept of Service Automation, and the way in which you can automate your service offering. The effective application of  a Service Automation Framework can have a positive effect on satisfaction and loyalty for staff and customers alike.

The Service Automation Framework book and corresponding SAF Certification Scheme has been created to find a methodical way to discuss Service Automation. Written by Jan-Willem Middelburg, the Service Automation Framework provides a step-by-step approach, including a number of design elements and processes, which every organization can use to systematically enhance its Services. As with any model, it is a simplified version of reality, but it structures the mind and provides uniform terminology when discussing the contents with co-workers and colleagues.

When is this Webinar Scheduled?

Live online 7 December 2017 11:00 am United Kingdom – London
or after on demand 45 mins

Webinar Hosts

This webinar is hosted by APMG-International and the Service Automation Framework Alliance