Learn how to become an accredited Service Automation trainer

Following the announcement at the recent International Away Day, APMG-International and the Service Automation Framework Alliance (SAFA) are happy to confirm the time and the agenda for our first trainer café event on September 27th, 2018 in Huizen, The Netherlands.

Please pass this invitation on to your Dutch APMG accredited trainers. It’s an event dedicated to them.

Just to recall: As APMG we have always focussed on the quality of delivering trainings and evaluated trainer’s skills and knowledge. In the past our Away Days have covered a lot of trainer relevant topics, but with the growth of APMGs portfolio and the diversity in our industry these have been superseded by marketing and operational topics.

The trainer café is an initiative for all our trainers in the Netherlands. It is intended to become a platform for trainer relevant topics, starting from sharing training practices, pass rates and performance, didactical methods and more up to in depth information about new qualifications and initiatives. We value your feedback and we think you will value the feedback of your peer trainers. For the kick-off we have invited José Stijntjes to share her knowledge about the Service Automation Framework Alliance (SAFA).

Suggested Agenda:

17:30 Welcome reception (share some sushi with us)

18:00 pass rates, pass marks, product performances, discussion around trainer experiences

19:00 new qualifications: SAF (who is it for, how does it work, what does it change?)

20:00 networking (yes, we will still provide some sushi)

21:00 going home

Harma, Marion and I are looking forward meeting you trainers. Please confirm attendance, as it helps us to plan to be better hosts 😉


Thanks and kind regards,
Stephan Brendel